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What are the children's tents?

It's spring again, and it's a good time for outdoor spring outings. Families often carry outdoor tents for outings. Outdoor tents are one of the favorite toy categories. Children's game tents are propped on the ground for outdoor play toys. They are mostly made of canvas or cotton, and together with the supporting things, they can be removed and transferred at any time. The tent is carried in the form of components and assembled after arriving at the site, which is easy to carry and easy to install.
Classification of children's tent brackets:
1. Elastic steel: These are generally children's tents or beach game tents.
2. The thicker the glass fiber tube, the stronger the steel, and the weaker the softness. Therefore, whether the choice of support for the fiber tube is reasonable is determined by the size and height of the floor, and whether it is easy to break if it is too thick or too thin.
Main categories of children's tents:
1. According to the purpose, it is divided into leisure tent, camping tent, alpine tent, advertising tent, engineering tent, disaster relief tent
2. Seasonal functions: summer tent, three-season tent, four-season tent, alpine tent
3. Divided by size: single-person account, double-person account, 2-3-person account, four-person account, multi-person account (base camp)
4. According to the style, it is divided into single-layer tents, double-layer tents, single-pole tents, double-pole tents, tunnel tents, dome tents, and semi-double-layer tents...
CPC certification requirements for children's tents:
The certification is mainly aimed at children's play tents. For special purposes such as disaster relief tents, alpine tents, engineering tents, and camping tents, there are professional testing standards for tents on special occasions and under extreme conditions.